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                Welcome to Dongtai Mars Ship Equipment Co., Ltd.!
                About Us
                LOCATION:HOME > ABOUT US
                Founded in 2014, dongtai Mars ship equipment co., ltd. is located in dongtai, an emerging open city. The company covers an area of 8,600 square meters and a building area of 12,800 square meters. Is a professional ship rescue equipment, fire equipment manufacturing enterprises.

                The company has a strong r & d, design, manufacturing, sales department. Main Marine lifesaving products include: immersion warm water survival suit, life jacket, life light, first aid medicine box, emergency drinking water, emergency ration, heat preservation appliance, still water pressure relief device, radar reflector, boarding rope ladder; Marine fire protection products include: emergency escape breathing device, positive pressure fire air breathing device, fire protection suit, fire axe, etc.

                For a long time, the company has always adhered to the business tenet of "quality, integrity, punctuality and thoughtfulness". In 2002, the company took the lead in passing the international quality management system certification (iso9001/iso22000). All products were approved by CCS of China classification society. Perfect quality management system, rigorous process management, strong technical team and excellent management team make the company in the leading position in the industry. Products by domestic and foreign businessmens love!

                The company will, as always, adhere to the business policy of quality first, credit first and customer first. Continue to learn international advanced management experience, to create brand management model for the idea of serving domestic and foreign merchants. With our enthusiasm, sincerely welcome you to come to the company to guide the work, negotiate business, create the future!

                CONTACT US
                If you have any questions, please contact us and we will do our best to serve you in 7*24 hours

                Dongtai Mars Ship Equipment Co., Ltd.
                Official WeChat

                • Call the phone

                  • 15021933729